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Temperature evolution and glow in a mixture of molybdenum-bor in pulsed microwave discharge
Letunov A.A. Skvortsova N.N. Ryabikina I.G. Batanov G.M. Borzosekov V.D. Kolik L.V. Konchenkov E.M. Malakhov D.V. Petrov A.E. Sarksian K.A. Stepakin V.D. Kharchev N.K.

Describe the results of change over time in the temperature of the microwave discharge in powder Mo-B on the open surface in a nitrogen atmosphere. Used amorphous boron powder with a particle size ~ 1…5 microns and molybdenum powder with particle size about 30…40 microns. Discharge was created gyrotron impulse with a frequency of 75 GHz, 4 ms duration and power up to 350 kW. For optical temperature measurements were used lines of atoms and ions of basic substances and lines impurities (iron, titanium and oxygen, etc.) presenting in small amounts. We registered two phases of the microwave discharge in the experiment. In the first phase after the breakdown a spark plasma discharge developed. The optical continuum spectra was observed with atomic (MoI, NI, TiI, FeI, etc.) and ion lines (MoII, NII, TiII, etc.). The surface temperature of the powder, plasma and gas reached ~ 4000…6000 C. In the second phase of the discharge was initiated a chemical reaction of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Synthesis reaction evolved as the main materials, and the impurities. In the optical spectrum against the continuum was observed with broad molecular bands, atomic lines had not been determined. Duration of high-temperature synthesis reaches 40…50 ms. A slow decrease in temperature from ~ 4000 K to 1000 K was observed. Such microwave discharges can be used in nanotechnology for the synthesis of new materials.
Key words: microwave plasma discharge, plasma chemistry, gyrotron, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, optical spectroscopy.

Contacts: E-mail: mukudori@mail.ru

Pp. 36-43.


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