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«Qquasi-Cooper» bi-cyclones. 3D turbulence
structure with rotation and the cumulative jet
Vysikaylo Ph.I.
Oppositely directed flows, in bi-cyclone, effective exchange of kinetic energy, mo-mentum, angular momentum, as are guides dynamic boundaries for each other. The rotation of the cyclonic and anticyclonic flows in the center of the cell, «quasi-Cooper» bi-cyclone formed «eye» of the attractor, which is due to gravity, free crumble upper atmosphere (planets, stars, etc.), forming a cumulative jet. Open events in any continuous media are structural 3D turbulence with cumulative jet. Energy 3D mechanism of the bi-cyclone investigated using the virial theorem. Bi-cyclones efficiently convert gravitational energy of the cold mass, penetrating into it from above, and the energy of condensation of water vapor of warm air coming from the bottom and sides, into rotational energy of air masses. After reflection from the centrifugal «mirror» all the energy goes into the centrifugal potential energy hyper radial spray squeezed in bi-cyclone air mass, which leads to a decrease in pressure in the bi-cyclone and further accumulation of wet mass. The phenomenon in tropical cyclones related to the phenomena of stratified (structural) turbulence with cumulative jets open by the author is described. It is shown that for modeling synergies related: a) critical meteorological and climatic processes and phenomena (cyclones, tornadoes, tornadoes) and b) of natural hazards / disasters («natural» fires and firestorm on forests, massive downpours, hail, «ice rain») on Earth to apply the model to take into account self-organization and bi-cyclones interaction and cumulative energy (hyper-) exchange between the endo and exo areas of the Earth. The rotation of the opposite of cyclonic and anticyclonic flows are coupled, the profile of the external pressure, focused in steady bi-cyclonic, with the «eye» of an attractor, with low air pressure. In the «eyes» due to low air pressure and gravity, free crumble upper atmosphere (planets, stars, etc.), forming a cumulative jet. Paired opposing flows bi-cyclone transform any internal and potential energy into rotational energy and exchange of kinetic energy, momentum, angular momentum, as are guides dynamic boundaries for each other. A phenomenon of the interference of counter-rotating flows relate to structural 3D turbulence with cumulative jet. Bi-cyclone efficiently convert gravitational energy of cold masses, to introduce into it from above, and the energy of condensation of water vapor of warm air coming from the bottom and sides, into rotational energy of air masses. After reflection from the centrifugal «mirror» all the flow energy goes into the centrifugal potential energy of radial scattering squeezed air masses that support reduced pressure in bi-cyclone and further cumulation a humid air in it. This model of synergetic processes in stratified CDS has no analogues in the world in terms of number of explanations phenomena in tropical cyclones.
Key words: cumulative-dissipative structures, dissipative structures, cumulation, dissipation, rotation, tropical cyclone, disaster, bi-cyclone.
Contacts: E-mail: filvys@yandex.ru
Pp. 03-37. |
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